Welcome to

Inaugurated by his highness

Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar

About our School

Erstwhile school, Sri Chamarajendra Ursu Boarding School was founded in 1892 by the then Maharaja Sri Chamarajendra Wadiyar

  • The ideals of the school were to foster a spirit of love and pride for their school among the students
  • The school also instilled the spirit of sportsman ship. Priority was given to character building among the students
  • The students were equipped to face the challenges found in the battle of life with courage

The school was known for organizing athletics and physical activities and student brought laurels to the school by winning many cups and trophies


Years of Heritage


Students benefitted


With the divine blessings of

Sri Chamarajendra Wadiyar
Chamarajendra Wadiyar X

Birth 22nd February, 1863, C.E.

Reign: 1868-1894

Sri Chamarajendra Wadiyar
Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV

Birth 4th June 1884, C.E.

Reign: 1895-1940

Sri Chamarajendra Wadiyar
Jayachamaraja Wadiyar

Birth 18th July 1919, C.E.

Reign: 1940-1947, C.E.

Titular Monarcy: 1950-1974, C.E.

Sri Chamarajendra Wadiyar
Srikantha Datta Narasimharaja Wadiyar

Birth 19th February, 1953, C.E.

Titular Monarchy 1974-2014, C.E.

Our Campus

The new NEP School has a spacious land of more than 9-acres in the heart of the city. The place is well connected to all the residential extensions of the city

Our Mission

ENROLL to empower your child’s potential through numerous learning opportunities and to enhance their skills.

It is the best place for children to EXPLORE the education for their independent & responsible life. Students can explore the real world, heritage and culture through the lens of various activities

Students can EXPERIENCE their real strength by our facilitators who trigger their curiosity

Students will EXCEL in confidence, communication, creativity and emerge as a self regulated motivated learner.

Our Vision

  1. To create global citizens
  2. Ability to surmount all man-made barriers
  3. Spread the ideals of freedom
  4. Spread the ideals of peace
  5. Spread the ideals of understanding
  6. To develop practical, creative, artistic and physical skills.

Proposed Plans

  1. When a child's parents and teachers communicate better, it leads in better nurturing of their social development
  2. That's because educating a child is not the school's responsibility alone
  3. There needs to be ample communication between the home and the school to foster a safe learning environment for the children
  4. Our school will provide Communication between Parents and the Teachers through Digirtal Platform




Inculate Habit of Reading

To inculcate the habit of reading among children , the school has a well stocked library. The library has exclusive collection of books on animal, nature, fairy tales , folk tales , classics and books on a variety of subject of children interest in easy English which cater to tender inquisitive and curious mind . The library has encyclopaedia and also subscribes to dailies and magazines, which cater to the needs of growing child.


Multimedia Technology

Computer with variety oflatest software and internet connection has been provided for different age groups. Incorporation of modern multimedia technology and computer aided learning will enable the student to grasp the curriculum content. We also have started basic junior coding programmes for children in C C++ and JAVA with trained computer teachers handling the job. The Computer Lab will also shortly undergo a massive upgradation to keep children in synch with the latest technologies.


Advanced Learning Techniques

We want our kids to achieve greatness in life. It's a scientific fact that human brain growth is at its peak potential in early childhood. For most kids, maths is extremely difficult and boring subject unless an interest is taken in learning it from a young age, they will always have love and hate relationship with it. A successful and proven way to make the subject more attractive and interesting is with abacus maths. Abacus maths is considered to be one of the most fastest way of calculating and learning maths.


Indian Knowledge System

Vedic math has its roots in the Vedas – ancient Indian scriptures that were taught by scholars or Gurus. When translated into English, the word (and concept) Vedas means ‘the source/fountainhead of knowledge.’ The Vedic math system makes it easier for kids to solve simple numeric problems such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Additionally, it can be used to solve complex mathematics such as algebra, trigonometry and calculus.